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Still More "Dookhan Cases" to Be Dismissed.

Keith G. Langer Nov. 17, 2020

A combination of Covid over-crowded and state employee tainting evidence means over a hundred cases will be dismissed. From today's Mass. Lawyers Weekly e-digest:

"Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael S. Rollins has moved to throw out 108 more convictions tainted by the misconduct of former drug lab chemist Annie Dookhan, she announced on Nov. 17

Rollins said the cases are 'forever tainted' by Dookhan, who was convicted of tampering with evidence and sentenced to three years in prison.

Thousands of convictions across the state have already been tossed because of Dookhan's actions."

Peoples' lives were disrupted, if not ruined, by Dookhan's actions, and hundreds of thousands of tax dollars squandered in prosecuting these cases.